Some Links: On the “End” of Postmodernism, Quantum Theory, Apocalypse, and Destroyed Archives

Edward Docx (sounds like a pseudonym) just wrote a piece, “Postmodernism is Dead,” over at Prospect.

At Nature, Eugenie Samuel Reich reports on a major breakthrough in quantum physics. “But the new paper, by a trio of physicists led by Matthew Pusey at Imperial College London, presents a theorem showing that if a quantum wavefunction were purely a statistical tool, then even quantum states that are unconnected across space and time would be able to communicate with each other. As that seems very unlikely to be true, the researchers conclude that the wavefunction must be physically real after all.”

“Why are Apocalyptic Narratives So Popular?” Why, I don’t know. . . .

Occupy Wall Street Archival Destruction.

My colleague Adriana Ramirez is having her students blog for her class “Narrative and Technology: We Might Be Gadgets.” The class just got done playing World of Warcraft (Blizzard: 2004-2011), and I had the great privilege to deliver a guest lecture a few days ago. Check out the blog here.

America’s growing anti-intellectualism.

And a nice discussion of the archival “Etymology” and “Extracts” section of Moby-Dick (which I’m teaching right now).


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